Why People Enjoy Horror? Uncovering the Science of Horror Movies

Watching movies is one of the most popular leisure activities globally, and many people spend a substantial amount of time and money on it. In particular, the popularity of the horror genre is constantly increasing, contributing to a huge commercial...

Jun 21, 2024
Deconstructing Early-onset Dementias

The Sheer Scale of the Problem While dementia is usually regarded as a disorder of old age, it can invariably also affect younger individuals under the age of 65 1 . Early-onset dementia (EOD), also known as young-onset dementia (YOD), is defined as...

Feb 7, 2024
Turn on the Music? The Impact of Music on Driving Performance

Turn on the Music? The Impact of Music on Driving Performance Car driving is a daily activity for many people in modern cities. Very often, drivers listen to their favourite music while driving. Nonetheless, the impact of music on driving performanc...

Mar 16, 2021
The Role of Spiritual Care in Mental Well-being of Healthcare Professionals during COVID-19 Pandemic

The Role of Spiritual Care in Mental Well-being of Healthcare Professionals during COVID-19 Pandemic Subjective well-being concerns one’s evaluations of the quality of his/her own lives. This appraisal comprises cognitive judgments about achie...

Mar 16, 2021
A Review on the Impacts of Work from Home Arrangement on Health and Business Operation during COVID-19 Pandemic

A Review on the Impacts of Work from Home Arrangement on Health and Business Operation during COVID-19 Pandemic The development in information technologies facilitates digitalisation and a growing globalising endeavour leading to a significant impro...

Mar 16, 2021
Strategies to Improve Treatment Adherence for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

Factors to Consider in Antidepressant Selection In the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) depression guidelines 2016, pharmacological treatments for MDD are classified as first, second or third-line treatment 3 . Prof. Lam sug...

Sep 16, 2020
Facing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder during a Pandemic

Facing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder during a Pandemic Reminders of personal hygiene practice have been on the rise since the COVID-19 pandemic is sweeping across the world in the past months. Hand washing, household cleaning, social distancing and ...

Jun 15, 2020
The Therapeutic Efficacies of Deep Brain Stimulation on Treatment-resistant Depression

The Therapeutic Efficacies of Deep Brain Stimulation on Treatment-resistant Depression Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in specialist and general practice. MDD can present at any age across the life spa...

Jun 15, 2020
Tackling the Unmet Need for the Treatment of Depression

Enhancing the Awareness on Depression “The reported data cannot reflect the actual burden.” Dr. Chong commented on the reported local prevalence of depression. “Some respondents may not be aware of the disorders they suffered from,...

Jun 15, 2020