Maintain Physically Active After Stroke for Better Recovery

The health benefits of physical activity are undeniable, especially in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and various cancers. More than the prevention of ill health, being physical active indeed promotes better functional capacity and rec...

Jun 13, 2023
Cancer Cells Use Uridine-derived Ribose as Fuel when Starved

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is called a silent killer, as it is often discovered late and has a high mortality rate. Its treatment-resistant and aggressive nature can be attributed to the tumour microenvironment, low vascularity, and meta...

Jun 13, 2023
POEMS Syndrome – A Rare and Challenging Disorder

The POEMS syndrome is a rare plasma cell disorder involving pathological changes of polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein, and skin changes. The diagnostic and therapeutic management of the disease is clinically challenging. Given ...

Jun 13, 2023